Cased-Hole Logging

A one-stop-shop for any complex wireline projects in the most challenging environments.

BGES offers wireline services for each stage of a well or cavern’s life from exploration & operation to zonal abandonment. With over 23 years of experience in wireline services backed by a team of technical specialists, we are highly competent in the evaluation of casing integrity, cement bond quality, wellbore stability, and formation parameters in any complex projects or environments.

BGES is well experienced in a wide range of wireline services, including specialty logs for evaluation casing integrity and formation evaluation, downhole pressure/temperature data acquisition, conventional production logging, and common mechanical services such as perforating and plug setting. To ensure that the desired depth is reached in wells of different orientations, multiple conveyance methods are available, depending on the customer’s needs.

BGES has extensive experience in cased-hole log analysis and interpretation. Our technical team understands that important decisions affecting wellsite operations must often be made promptly. Consequently, we are committed to providing a fast turnaround on log processing and interpretation services.


Corrosion or other forms of mechanical damages are commonly seen in cased wells. Compromised casing integrity can have a severe impact on production and the environment. BGES’ suite of casing integrity evaluation services are offered to provide extensive cement bond evaluation and corrosion inspection in production, injection and disposal wells. Our radial cement bond log is widely used for evaluation of cement sheath bonding to casing and formation while detecting signs of channeling. It is most powerful when combined with our corrosion evaluation tool, multi-finger imaging caliper and the gyro inclinometer for a complete evaluation of casing and cement integrity.

In addition to the above logs, temperature surveys can be conducted to evaluate cement quality or frac treatment and to locate lost circulation zones or casing leaks. It typically includes a baseline temperature log and multiple additional logging passes taken after an injection. The logs are presented as composite overlay to provide a comprehensive picture of the exact placement of the injected fluid, giving a clear indication of the mechanical integrity of the well and fluid movement from the wellbore.


Formation evaluation is not limited to an open-hole application. A number of cased-hole logs can be done to analyze formation properties even after a well is completed. The Cased Hole Analysis Tool (CHAT) is a neutron-density multi-sensor measurement system capable of providing accurate data about reservoir rock parameters, fluid types, and fluid movement in and around the wellbore through the casing, providing reliable means to identifying lithology or deriving formation porosity. It is designed based on the same principals as open-hole logs and can deliver comparable results. Furthermore, compensated neutron logs can be used for formation porosity determination, lithology identification and gas detection, while gamma ray logs can also be used to quantify the formation’s shale volume.

Production logging

BGES is experienced in helping customers evaluate production operations and diagnose issues such as leaks or cross flow. Common production logs including temperature surveys, temperature log, noise/noise-wave/spectral noise-temp logs, cement bond as well as compensated neutron logs.

Additionally, our pressure-temperature-flow (PTF) is designed for flow, pressure and temperature measurements in producing wells, caverns and injection wells. Our technical team understands that important decisions affecting production must often be made promptly. Consequently, we are committed to providing a fast turnaround on log processing and interpretation services.


Unwanted gas and/or liquid flows to surface either between the surface/production casing annulus or outside the surface casing is a common occurrence. This condition, known as “surface casing vent flow” or SCVF, can result in significant safety and environmental concerns. BGES is experienced in providing a series of services to diagnose and remedy problematic wells affected by SCVF, including performing a bubble test to collect evidence for a SCVF, conducting flow rate measurements and pressure buildup test to evaluate extent of the problem. running a suite of cased-hole logs to accurately locate the source of leak, interpreting logs/test results, designing a repair program, and conducting cement squeeze at the source to create a permanent seal.


BGES’ full suite of wireline logging and specialty logging services are applicable to different stages of a well or cavern’s lifecycle, spanning from exploration and operation to zonal or full abandonment.

Features & Benefits

We take pride in being a one-stop-shop for a wide spectrum of logging and testing needs. Comprehensive interpretation reports are generated, presented and discussed with customers to determine the best solutions. Interpretive plots are available and customizable depending on the application.


Every job is managed with quality and efficiency in mind. BGES’ specialized personnel can provide field interpretation on-site and advise on best course of action. A wide range of equipment is available to meet customers’ operational requirements.

Integration of Services

From wellsite core collection, geotechnical lab testing, cased-hole logging, reservoir and caprock injection testing, data analyses, project management, regulatory reporting, to computer simulation and numerical modelling, our comprehensive and customizable service model offers maximum flexibility for our clients.