Cavern Sonar Survey
BGES is honoured to be SOCON’s exclusive partner in providing high-quality sonar surveys to cavern operators across Canada.
Sonar surveying of caverns is based on travel time measurements. It measures the time a sonic signal takes to travel from the survey tool to the cavern wall and back. The distance to the cavern wall is calculated from the measured travel time and the speed of sound in the medium. The acoustic velocity depends on the density, the composition and the characteristics of the medium existing in the cavern, and is determined in-situ using a special tool module.
BGES is honoured to be SOCON’s exclusive partner in providing high-quality sonar surveys to cavern operators across Canada. SOCON (Sonar Control Kavernenvermessung GmbH) is a German-based world-renowned specialist in the surveillance of underground caverns.
Features & Benefits
Integration of Services
From core preservation, geotechnical lab testing, cased-hole logging, reservoir and caprock injection testing, data analyses, project management, regulatory reporting, to computer simulation and numerical modelling, our comprehensive and customizable service model offers maximum flexibility for our clients.